Happy Pride

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August 23 – 29, 2019

Friday I went to Kettleman’s in the morning to grab a sandwich and half a dozen bagels for later. For dinner, I picked up Little Caesars. It’s been years since I’ve eaten pizza from there. In fact, I’ve never tried a deep-dish pizza! I ordered a Hawaiian (yes, I like pineapple on pizza) and I really liked it! Having the melted cheese crust on every piece was a nice change. While eating back at home, I finally watched American Psycho for the first time. 

Saturday I ate a bagel with gravlax cream cheese on the balcony that I got the day before. Then I put on my techy hat to fix my printer. I’ve had this printer for over a year now, and for the majority of that time, I could only ever get it to connect to the wifi for the first few months. Since then, I’ve been going to use other printing spots around the city if I ABSOLUTELY had to print. But I finally put my foot down. I sat down for around an hour and fiddled with it, looking at the manual, and researching online, and I finally found something that worked. Turns out, I have to now connect the printer through the mobile app and my phone’s wifi. How strange! After that frustration, it was on to a fun night! I had tickets to go see MMA fights held by BTC in south Ottawa. BTC is an Ontario based Pro MMA league. It was a short night since ALL fights ended in knockouts in the first round! I really enjoyed it, plus there was time to go see the finale of the Sound of Light fireworks.

Fireworks PC: https://www.pictosee.com/p/2120690627532701095_6813146160

I went to the Capital Pride Parade on Sunday afternoon. It was so fun to see! I was surprised but happy to see a few churches that were participating in the parade as well. I also saw an organization with Sex Worker activists called “power“.

Monday I ran errands. When I got back home, I found the ManyVids package with the awards merch!

Tuesday I met up with a friend at Level One have lunch and play games. I’ve been there a few times in the past, and I enjoy going once in a while. I had a cider and chicken wrap while we played Nintendo Monopoly. We also ordered a candy dish, because why not!

Wednesday I released the Sunshine and Rainbows photo set! Click the link to go see! I also took out my new toys and got them one step closer to using them online! 

Thursday I worked on the blog and had an amazing supper. I’m really enjoying the GoodFood meals so far! It fits perfectly into my lifestyle and gives so much variety without having to strategically plan out every grocery trip. Plus, the foodie in me is smiling!

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Lacey

More Photos From This Week

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