Hustle and Bustle

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September 20 – 26, 2019

Friday was a gorgeous day in Ottawa so I was out walking in it for a couple of hours. I was supposed to meet up with a friend, but those plans got canceled. For supper, I tried a new place called Midnight’s Mac & Grilled Cheese Cabin to feed my mac & cheese craving. I chose the bacon “pick your pig” mac and cheese, and it really hit the spot! I also got my new bikini in the mail from Boutine LA! The red “Baywatch” one-piece I have was also from that company. I’ve been looking at their Instagram for a while now and decided to buy this one!

Saturday I was working on the Forest Pineapple photo set for this month. At night, I wanted to buy Rocket League for the Switch, but there wasn’t enough space to download it on the console itself. So, I went into BestBuy to look for the physical copy. It turned out that they didn’t have it. Instead, I wanted to get an SD card so that I would have enough room to download the game at home. I grab a 128GB card off the hanger and head to the checkout. Turns out they messed up and had the tag say $40 instead of $110 and they had to give the listed price! Score! Back home, while it was downloading, I watched an episode or two of The Office. I played Rocket League for a while and ended up inviting a friend over. We hung out until around 3:30 am!

Sunday I got up around noon and did some laundry. I went into the Rideau Centre to go to the Nespresso store. I wanted to stock up on pods and found out that they had a “welcome” offer. I ended up leaving with cups and saucers and 250 pods! I also ate there for lunch/supper at the food court. I ordered a Craft burger from Big Smoke Burger and came back home just in time for cam!

Monday I finished up the photo set and ran errands. I picked up my new drawer for the Nespresso pods and set it up! I’ve now had 2 recipes from GoodFood that were meatball dishes and both have been the best meatballs I have ever had! All the flavours they add to it tastes amazing!

Tuesday I posted the Forest Pineapple Part 1 set! I will be releasing part 2 in October. For supper, I had my first pasta dish from GoodFood. It was so good!

Wednesday I filmed a couple of new videos! The one for this month is called Blue Bullet Mirror Orgasm which is already up! Go stream it on the member’s only video page!

Thursday I started packing for Montreal! I’m so excited to go make content with ImMeganLive on the weekend!

I also wanted to give you guys the first hint of what my Halloween costume is going to be this year! Hint: Pink from head to toe.

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Lacey

More Photos From This Week

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