Lacey Goes Tropical

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January 17 – 30, 2020

Friday I got up early to run errands and finish things up before leaving for my trip to Mexico. I picked up a couple of packages at my P.O. Box and there was a Squirrel Girl Funko Pop and new yoga pants!

Saturday morning I cleaned the apartment and went out for Kettleman’s for lunch. It was really cold out (about -15 degrees Celcius) and there was lots of snow and ice on the sidewalks. It was a good reminder of what I wanted to have a vacation from! After eating my turkey sandwich, I finished packing at home and took a taxi to the airport. The weather forecast was calling for a 10-15 cm dump of snow Saturday evening, but it hadn’t started to snow. I had forgotten to look at the flight times before leaving the house, and it turned out that my flight had been delayed 30 minutes. Not too bad of a wait anyway. Other flights leaving for Toronto were all canceled since it was already snowing pretty bad over there. Everything went smoothly and I grabbed a mocha from Starbucks while waiting for the flight. By the time the plane left the ground we had actually been delayed 1.5 hours with the de-icing and I was ready for a nap. The flight was 4.5 hours and I finally arrived in Mexico at about 10:30 pm. The luggage carousel and customs took what seemed like forever to get through! I didn’t get to my hotel in Cancun until after 1 am! On the bright side, it was a quick check-in. I settled in, unpacked a little, and grabbed a snack before falling asleep.

Sunday morning I had a meeting with the booking representative to discuss excursions. I booked the catamaran trip to Isla Mujeres for Tuesday afternoon. It was a gorgeous day (sunny 28 degrees Celcius) perfect for the beach. I had some Pina Coladas and mojitos and got my tan on! For supper, I ate at their Mexican restaurant which had a buffet for appetizers and then you ordered from a menu for the main and dessert. They had amazing tacos, ceviche, and lamb. I was still tired from the flight so I didn’t go to the night entertainment at the theater. Instead, I sat on the balcony and felt the warm breeze as I watched the cars drive by.   

Thank you all for voting for me in the MV Awards! We placed as the 4th finalist in the MV Queen of the Year category and the winner will be announced February 9th on ManyVids. Even if we don’t win, I’m so grateful to see the support you’ve shown me this past year! Thank you all so much! We also placed 10th for MV Profile of the Year and 23rd for Miss Congeniality. 

I wanted to start waking up early since the best time to be awake was in the morning and afternoon. I had to switch my sleeping schedule to become more of a morning person. Monday I got up at 8 am, ate breakfast and went out to the beach. It was a cooler day (about 24C) and the clouds started to roll in around 2pm. I took a shower, made a drink and sat out on the balcony to watch the rain clouds. At 9:45 pm there were shows put on every night at the theater. Monday night was a live band and singers while professional dancers performed on the stage behind them.

Tuesday was very windy and cloudy in the morning. I didn’t see any boats out, so I was worried that the Isla Mujeres trip was canceled. I talked to the representative again and he said the morning trips were canceled, but mine was still going out. With that good news, I packed my bag and met the van at the hotel doors at 1:30 pm. It was a short drive from the hotel through downtown Cancun and over to where the boats were docked. The guide informed the group that we would not be snorkeling because the water was too choppy. I was okay with that because I mainly wanted to take the boat and see the island anyway. The sail to the island was really windy but the sun decided to come out! Once we got into the cove, there was hardly any wind and we took extra time sailing around in place of the snorkeling time. They gave out “box lunches” that had pasta with chicken, chips and guacamole, ceviche, fruit, and a cake dessert. They gave us 2 hours to explore Isla Mujeres. I planned on renting a go-cart there but to do that they wanted to keep my driver’s license with them and give a paper as a temporary license or something. I wasn’t comfortable with that just in case I got pulled over by police or it got lost or stolen. Instead, I just walked around the beach and looked at the shops. It’s a really interesting island! When we were leaving, it was just in time to sail into the sunset. I got back to the hotel around 8 pm. I had plenty of time to eat and watch the theater show. It turned out to be karaoke (not a fan) so I called it a night. 

Wednesday was another cloudy and windy day 23C. I alternated between the beach and the pool depending if the sun peeked out. At the pool, the entertainment staff was playing bingo and I joined in. I didn’t win anything but the guy still made it fun.

Thursday had a sunny morning that became a cloudy afternoon 24C. While the sun was still out, I was at the beach, then I moved to the balcony to read my book. For dinner, there was a little wait for a table at the grill restaurant, so they gave me a buzzer and I walked around the lit-up pool. At the grill, I had a salad, ceviche, lobster, and dessert pastries. They had a really great performance night at the theater. It was a Michael Jackson tribute!

Friday was a nice beach day 26C. The wind picked up so I moved over to the pool and took in the entertainment. The staff put on an interactive show with some of the other guests and then threw in these long balloons into the pool for everyone to dance with. It was a lot of fun and I met and chatted with a really nice couple from Germany. The theater night was a game night thing where 3 couples were competing in weird games. I stayed for a bit then chilled in my room.

I packed up Saturday morning and checked out of my room. They had a place to hold the luggage for the day until you needed to leave. I spent my last day completely at the beach switching between my beach chair, the water, and sitting out on the pier. It was a sunny and hot 28C. I played a few games of beach volleyball with other guests and a couple of staff. I reapplied 50+ SPF sunscreen I don’t know how many times, but when it came time to change clothes for the flight, I noticed my whole body was red. My face was pretty good. My shoulders, chest, back, butt, and arms were slightly burned. My claves and tops of my feet were painfully burned and throbbing ever since I put pants and socks on. 

I was picked up at the hotel to go to the airport at 7 pm. The board said my flight was delayed 30 minutes. I walked around the airport and looked at all the changes they were making since last year when I was there. They were doing a makeover in the main international waiting area. I stopped to eat a burger at Johnny Rockets (where they serve their ketchup on a plate with a smile) and took a picture in front of Bubba Gump. I bought a bottle of Mezcal made only in Mexico and also a fridge magnet. Once again, the airplane didn’t leave the ground until 11:15 pm which was an hour late. I got through customs quickly, but the luggage carousel took a long time. I finally got back home about 3:30 am and was greeted by the kitties.  

Sunday I slept in because of the late/early morning flight. Both cats came to cuddle in bed, although Toast seemed a little more distant as a “you left me” protest. It snowed the whole day but at a mild 1C. I ran errands and unpacked my suitcases. 

Monday I cleaned and finished unpacking and put the suitcases back in the storage. I got my keys back from the pet sitter that night and she told me she loves my cats. Apparently she deals with older and shyer cats who like to hide from her, so she was happy to play and cuddle with Whiskey and Toast while I was away. She also said she brought her lunch one day and just hung out with them.

Tuesday I had an annual apartment inspection before going to the grocery store for some snacks and restocking my fridge. While I was out, I started to feel a sore throat coming on. Wednesday it felt a little worse but not enough to cancel cam. Thursday I woke up feeling worse than the day before so I wanted to take it easy and rest. I took the night off cam, but I did get my “Daddy’s Little Girl” photoset up and you can see that here!

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Lacey

More Photos From This Week

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