Season Of Change

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October 10 – 17, 2019

Friday morning I woke up early to get online ManyVids because they were having a promotion with Bella French (ManyVids CEO). It was her birthday and she wanted to give tokens that she earned through her MV profile over the years. After, I finished up the blog and went to Baton Rouge for supper and had chips and dip with a juicy burger for the main. The El Camino movie based on Breaking Bad was released on Netflix Friday night, so I decided to take a look. Overall I thought it was okay, but it didn’t reflect the plot twists and excitement of the original show. After the movie, I watched a new MMA show called Professional Fighters League (PFL). I found it really interesting how they have it set up. They have quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals for the weight classes, and some fighters actually fought twice in the same night!

Saturday I deep cleaned the apartment for a few hours in the afternoon. Since I cammed on Friday, I took my day off on Saturday. I also ran errands in the rain to pick up some PO Box packages and cat food. I didn’t want to go back out in the rain, so I ordered in sushi from Shinka Sushi. I used to go to that place when it was called New Generation Sushi, and it still has a great selection and taste. I watched the UFC Fight Night mostly to see the main event with Joanna Jedrzejczyk against Michelle Waterson. I was cheering for Michelle but it ended up being Joanna who won. Overall though it was a good night of fights.

Sunday I went out for a walk in the afternoon. It was such a gorgeous day I was itching to get outside. I found a neat parking lot off of Sussex that was perfect to walk around. I made my way to halfway across a bridge to Gatineau and the view was amazing! I finally opened the packages from Saturday on cam. Inside were new bras and panties and a new turquoise lace top!

Monday was Thanksgiving in Canada! I didn’t eat any turkey though, nor did I celebrate this year. I did, however, get a good workout in and edited pictures for the October photo set. 

I had a super packed day on Wednesday! I got my nerd on in the early afternoon as I attended a webinar from my website host. Once that was done, I got my new OnlyFans account set up along with my MV Crush. I have started closing my Snapchat account and I’m no longer offering new subscriptions. If you have my Snapchat already, message me for more details about the transition if you haven’t yet! I will be using the OnlyFans and Crush subscriptions for nude focused pictures and videos now instead of Snapchat. So, if you liked what you saw on Snap, you’ll love it on the new platforms! I will be posting the same content on OF and Crush, so no need to subscribe to both. For supper, I actually made the meal! It was Haddock with veggies and a cream sauce. I think I did pretty well! What do you think?

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Lacey

More Photos From This Week

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