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May 31 – June 6, 2019

This week felt really short because most of the time I’ve had my face buried in my computer working on my website. I did, however, get out of the house when it wasn’t too cold and rainy.

Friday I went into a shopping center in south Ottawa to run errands. I wanted to buy drawers for my cam room since I have only been using shelves. My shelves were quite literally overflowing with clothing and other items. While over there, I spotted a Five Guys burger place and thought I would try it for the first time! Oh my was it delicious! I learned some valuable pieces of info too. The bacon cheeseburger I ordered turned out to have double patties. I didn’t know “Little” burgers meant one patty and the other normal titled ones were double. I was so stuffed after! I also learned that they fill your fry container that was ordered AND another scoop of fries in the to-go bag! Those fries, by the way, were salted AND had garlic salt. I will definitely go to eat there again!

The first day of June started on Saturday and I made a point to organize the new drawers I had just bought. In the process, I made a Twitter poll asking how many panties I own. What would you have guessed? Turns out I have 90! That night after cam, I ordered in Baton Rouge for supper. Sometimes I’ll get a craving for their spinach dip and seafood pasta. Yum!

Sunday when I woke up, I started cleaning my place. Dishes, laundry, the whole shebang. I also ended up getting groceries as well. After all that running around, I was pretty knackered. That night, I worked on my website and got it back up with the exception of the membership side.

Monday was my last day at Brass. It was full of goodbyes and hugs. I also received my favourite flowers in my favourite colours. Blue and purple orchids. I’m am now moving forward with new priorities with my full attention.

Tuesday morning began with a workout and preparing my bike for the summer. Everything looked good, so I pumped up the tires and when for a short test ride. I ended up biking around the Rideau Canal as I was such a gorgeous sunny day. Back home, I grabbed dinner and watched Fifty Shades of Grey. That sure revved me up for cam that night!

Wednesday morning also began with a workout. It rained the whole day, so I was pretty much stuck inside. I did however managed to finally clean the inside of the car from the winter. There were like 100 stones and salt marks on the mats that needed to be freshened up for the summer. My website became fully active after working on it for about 8 hours that day. Yay to progress! It bums me out that I’ve had so many issues starting out of the gate, but I’m happy to have the learning experience. I feel more prepared than ever!

Thursday started with another workout! I’ve been pushing myself lately to get into a routine of working out. I’ve been trying for years and always gave excuses. Motivation doesn’t stay long enough but creating a habit will. I caught up on last week’s blog post before heading outside for a nice walk in the summer air. It was sunny, 22 degrees Celsius and hardly a cloud in the sky. It was so great to feel the breeze on my face and arms. Back home I relaxed on the balcony, taking in more of the sun and browsed the interwebs. Cam turned out to be a killer night as we climbed 12 ranks! Thank you, guys! I’m hoping for top 10 this month.

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Lacey

More Photos From The Week

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